How Clients Pinpoint the Best Drinking Water Fountain Provider

Being able to separate drinking water fountain suppliers in the market is no easy task. 

Every unit appears like a six to one, half dozen the other choice, right? 

The fact remains that community members of all backgrounds are right to expect excellent service and a fountain that operates for the long-term. 

Before accepting any old generic model that feels convenient to install at the time, take notice of the strategies that clients use to pinpoint the best drinking water fountain provider. 

Craft a Project Budget 

Homes, businesses and public organisations will need to know how much money they have available for a drinking water fountain installation. There are multiple factors that influence the price of this utility and given the range of options, it is helpful to know what kind of financial position the client is based in and how much they are willing to spend on the investment. By extending the search, filtering by price and requesting quotes, it will be possible to find a deal that works for the client’s bottom line position. 

drinking water fountain

Examine Brand Performance 

Thankfully local members don’t have to be left guessing about what kind of drinking water fountain brand is the most popular and sell the most stock. A simple glance online will offer key insights into this domain, as well as conversations with trusted contacts who have been through this selection process before. Social media channels, search engine results and shared economy apps give participants a platform to offer their thoughts about fountains that delivered quality results and those that encounter logistical and operational hassles. 

Identify Right Fountain Format 

Keeping people hydrated with these fountain utilities is the easy part. Picking out a product that happens to be geared for the right format is another task altogether as customers have to consider the area and the profile of consumers. This will shortlist options with free-standing and wall-mounted alternatives to refrigerated, recessed, vandal resistant and pedestal fountains respectively. Think about the location and the type of consumers that will need to be hydrated to find the best choice. 

Clarity Over Scheduling & Product Availability 

Clients should not have to be left waiting for weeks and months on end before they have a quality drinking water fountain installed on site. There may very well be supply chain disruptions for the materials, but these issues should be communicated directly to consumers as they offer a coherent schedule for integration and to know what kind of options they have available to them. Establish these time parameters before settling on a supplier that is quick with a response. 

Securing a Service Provider Warranty 

In many cases with a supplier of a drinking water fountain, it is not always about the physical hardware where the value is determined. In this context, it also pertains to the lifespan of the warranty and if the brand offers safeguards and assistance for the long-term. This will speak to repairs, maintenance services and replacements that fall within a designated period of the agreement, delivering peace of mind for those who have paid top dollar for the fountain. 

Experiencing Fountains in Real Time 

To help narrow the search and select a drinking water fountain that really delivers the goods, it is beneficial to see these units up close and in-person. How do they operate? Are they welcoming and offer a splash-free zone? Are they user-friendly and situated at a good height for people? By arriving at a supplier store and seeing these utilities on site, it will be easier to draw conclusions about their viability for indoor and outside premises respectively.

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